Sept. 14, 2021 September 14th, 2021 |
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Question: Today is Dr Ivan Pavlov’s birthday. What does it mean when you say something is Pavlovian?
Yesterday’s Question Answered Below: What is a foo fighter ? (Before the rock band)
History for 9/14/2021
Birthdays: Lao Tzu -604 BC, Caliph Al Mansur -the founder of Bagdhad-711AD, Dr. Ivan Pavlov, Charles Dana Gibson, Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood, Clayton Moore-TV’s Lone Ranger, Luigi Cherubini, Hollywood Producer Hal Wallis, Joey Heatherton, Bowser from Sha-Na-Na., Walter Koenig-Star Trek’s Mr. Chekov, Nicole Williamson, Sam Neill is 74
615 A.D.- Battle of Nineveh- Byzantine Emperor Heraclius defeats the army of Shah Chosroes II of Persia. Heraclius is a mystery to historians. For most of his reign he sat on his throne doing nothing, while the Persian army overran his kingdom. Finally, when they're practically at the gates of his palace, Heraclius got up, took command of his legions and destroyed Chosroes in a series of lightning campaigns worthy of Caesar, Alexander, and Rambo all rolled into one. He chased the Persian army to the edge of Afghanistan and spread garbage on the grave of their great philosopher Zoroaster. The fleeing Persian satraps (noblemen) threw Chosroes down a well and piled stones on him just to make Heraclius go away. Then Heraclius went back to his throne and did nothing for the rest of his reign.
1146- Syrian Emir Zenghi was assassinated. When the Christian Crusades first fought their way into the Middle East the Muslim powers were just as feudally divided as the Christians. Most Sultans and Emirs thought the Western knights were just a large bandit group in the pay of the Greek Emperor. But Zenghi was the first to preach that this attack was a full-on Christian jihad against all of Islam, and that all Muslims should put aside their differences to defend the Faith. After Zenghi’s death, his son Nur Ad-Din consolidated his power as Sultan and continued his work, and his successor Saladin completed the job of driving the Crusaders out.
1224- Followers of Saint Francis of Assisi noted that on this day after a lengthy vigil of prayer in the mountains a Seraph (Major-League Angel) came down out of the sky bearing an image of the Crucified Christ. After the angel left, St Francis noticed his hands and feet began bleeding with the same nail marks as Jesus. This is called Stigmata.
1324- In Ravenna, a few hours after he put the finishing touches on the last part of his epic poem The Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri died of malaria fever.
1502-Battle of Lake Smolina- Grand Master Waltur von Plattenburg of the Holy Order of Livonian Sword Brothers (no, they weren't a pop group) fought his way out of the surrounding Russian army of Czar Ivan the Great, outnumbered ten to one.
1523- Pope Adrian VI died. He was a Dutchman who thought he had been selected to be a true shepherd to his Christian flock. But when he entered Rome, he was hurled into a maelstrom of Vatican politics, sex and intrigue. It was said he died of shock. He was the last non-Italian pope until John Paul II in 1978. Italian artists hated Adrian because he refused to commission any new artworks to glorify his reign. Average Romans hated Adrian so much that when he died, they sent flowers to his doctor to thank him for losing his patient.
1607- The Flight of the Earls- Even after the English invaded Ireland in 1167, they mostly stayed in one area, cities in the east and south, The Pale. Beyond the Pale, Irish chieftains swore allegiance to the King and so kept their power and property. This changed when England went Protestant and the Irish stayed Catholic. After a big rebellion under Hugh O’Neill the Earl of Tyrone bedeviled the later years of Queen Elizabeth. Under King James, Tyrone was defeated and this day O’Neill, the Earl of Tyrconnell fled into exile. This time the English assumed total control over Ireland and parceled out land to their allies as they saw fit.
1812- NAPOLEON ENTERED MOSCOW- Napoleon entered the Russian capitol and expected to be met by a delegation to surrender the keys of the city, and discuss peace terms. This happened before in Berlin, Rome, Milan, Vienna and Madrid. Instead, the civilian population had fled. The lord mayor of Moscow, Count Theodore Rostopchin ( nicknamed "Crazy Theo" by Catherine the Great ), had opened up all the prisons and lunatic asylums on a promise from the inmates that they would burn the city down around the Frenchman's ears. The GREAT FIRE OF MOSCOW would last for four days and leave Napoleon stranded thousands of miles from home with no winter shelter.
1814- BRITISH NAVY BOMBARDS FT. McHENRY – Georgetown lawyer Francis Scott Key was sent to the British to negotiate the release of a local Maryland doctor named Beanes. The British had accused Scottish born Dr. Beanes of mistreating their POW’s, but relented when Key brought with him a petition signed by all those men saying they were well taken care of. Still, Key came at an awkward moment because they were about to attack Baltimore. So Admiral Cockburn invited him to stay and watch the show.
All night Francis Scott Key watched the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air. Colonel Armistead, the American commander at Ft. McHenry, flew a big ass American flag to show everyone his fort was still fine and dandy. Dr Beane’s eyesight wasn’t very good, and in the Dawns Early Light he asked Key:” If our flag was still there?” This question inspired Key to start writing down stanzas for a poem.
After 25 hours of bombardment the British gave up firing on the fort and sailed away to save their resources for an attack on New Orleans. Key wrote a neat little poem and showed it to his brother-in-law Judge Nicholson. Nicholson thought it would sound good matched to a British pub song called "To Anacreon in Heaven". The Defense of Fort McHenry, or, Star Spangled Banner became the U.S. national anthem in 1931.
1837- Charles Tiffany with two partners set up their first store- Tiffany & Young. Tiffany stressed upscale merchandise from Europe to the cream of New York society. In 1848 Charles Tiffany was on vacation in Europe when a revolution in France broke out and he wound up buying loads of cut-rate jewels from aristocrats on the run, needing cash fast. This moved his business exclusively into jewelry, and he soon bought out his partners. It became simply Tiffany’s. His son Louis Comfort Tiffany was the artist in stain glass creating Tiffany windows and lamps.
1847- THE HALLS OF MONTEZUEMA- The U.S. army under Gen.Winfield Scott captured Mexico City. As the army fanned out mopping up resistance the Marines were sent to take the National Palace. Marine Lieutenant A.S. Nicholson cut down the Mexican tricolor and ran up the Stars and Stripes over the Halls of Montezuma , unwittingly giving the first line to his Corps stirring battle hymn. For the first time the US flag flew over a foreign capitol. After this success, President Polk started to dream of not just annexing California but making all of Mexico down to Panama part of the United States! Luckily cooler heads prevailed, and the French under Maximillian discovered twenty years later the folly of trying to dominate Mexico with foreign troops.
1847- THE SAN PATRICIOS- As the US flag unfurled over the National Palace it was the signal to hang 30 men of the San Patricios or Saint Patricks Division. This was a group of Irish immigrants fed up with the Anti-Irish prejudice in America that had deserted to the Mexican Army, who were fellow Roman Catholics. The San Patricios fought fiercely against the American Army at the Battles of Buena Vista and Cherubusco. When they were captured Col William Harney thought the signal of the flag was a poetic way of execution. A U.S. Trooper named Chamberlain wrote later that only a sadist like Harney who had raped and hanged Seminole women in Florida could achieve such cruelty. The fearless Irishmen, even with ropes around their necks made jokes at the Colonels expense and laughed heartily until hanged. “Colonel Darlin, would ye be lightin me pipe for me with your elegant red hair?”
1857-THE TIGER OF THE RAJ- The British army stormed and captured the city of Dehli from the Sepoy Indian mutineers. The first man leading the charge, sword in hand, into the wall’s breach was Major John Nicholson, the Tiger of the Raj. Nicholson was described as a “bully-homosexual, but whenever a desperate action was needed in India, Nicholson was the man who could do it.” The attack cost Nicholson his life, but Delhi was taken, and the Sepoy Rebellion broken.
1901- After lingering two weeks with an assassin’s bullet in him, President William McKinley died. Teddy Roosevelt became the nation’s youngest president at 42. Republican party boss Marc Hanna groaned:” Oh, no! Now that crazy cowboy is President!”
1911- Prince Stolypin, was the first dynamic prime minister of Tsar Nicholas II reign. Under his reforms the Duma-Parliament began land reform that improved grain harvests and industrial output. Had he more time for his reforms to work Stolypin might have saved Russia from Revolution. But it was not to be. On this night Prince Stolypin went with Czar Nicholas to the opera to see Rimsky-Korshakov's "Czar Saltan". During the second act intermission, a young terrorist in a tuxedo shot Stolypin in the chest. The assassin Bogrov had gotten a job with the Secret Police and was assigned to the Czar’s entourage as a bodyguard.
1918- 63 year old union leader and one time Socialist presidential candidate Eugene Debs is sentenced to ten years in prison for making Anti-war speeches. Many large unions in the U.S. were against U.S. participation in World War I. In The election of 1912, Debs got 1 million votes to Woodrow Wilson's slim victory of 6 million.
1927-Modern dance pioneer Isadora Duncan died in freak car accident when her long scarf tangled in the spokes of her Bugatti sportscar and snapped her neck. She was 50. The scarf was a gift from the mother of future movie director Preston Sturges.
1927- Gene Austin recorded “My Blue Heaven”.
1944- PELELIU- The Marines attack the Japanese held island of Peleliu. It was a target because it was feared the Japanese planes could launch attacks from there to harass the flanks of General MacArthur’s liberation of the Philippines. At the last minute Admiral Halsey’s reconnaissance discovered there was very little chance of that happening, but it was felt it was too late to call off the attack. After three days of heavy naval bombardment a Navy captain told Marine Col. Chesty Puller.“All you have to do is walk in.” But the Japanese by now had learned from previous American landing tactics, and were sheltered from the bombardment in underground bunkers. When the Marines hit the beaches they opened up with a furious counter barrage. It took weeks of bloody fighting to dislodge them. The First Marine Division was so decimated by casualties - 54%, it ceased for a while to be a viable fighting force.
1955- Little Richard recorded the song, “ Tutti Fruitti”.
1957- TV show “Have Gun Will Travel” with Richard Boone as Paladin, premiered.
The head writer of this show was Gene Roddenberry, who would later create Star Trek.
1959- The Russians reached the moon first. Two years after launching Sputnik, the first satellite, the Soviet probe Lunik 2 crashed on the surface of the moon.
1960- The Congolese army under Gen. Mobutu Sese Seko overthrew the government of President Patrice Lamumba. Lamumba had led the Congo out of Belgian colonial rule.
Seko changed the name of The Congo to Zaire and ruled until 1998.
1960- Several oil producing nations among them Iraq, Iran, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia form the cartel called OPEC. They were later joined by Venezuela and Nigeria and Great Britain.
1967- The first appearance of Batgirl (Yvonne Craig) on the Batman TV show.
1968- Filmation's "the Archies" Show. "Sugar...ah, honey honey...."
1972- Premiere of the TV show The Waltons. “ Goodnight John-Boy.”
1978- The Mork & Mindy Show with a young Robin Williams. “Na-Nuu, Na-Nuu.”
1985- Disney's TV shows "Gummi Bears and Wuzzles premiered."
1987- Filmation’s Bravestarr debuted in syndication.
2002- Millennium Actress by director Saytoshi Kon premiered.
Yesterday’s Question: What is a foo fighter ? (Before the rock band)
Answer: During WWII, English night-fighter aircraft would report strange lights following them, and otherwise acting erratically. UFO’s? Their pilots and U.S. ones jokingly called them Foo-Fighters after a pop phrase in the Smokey Stover comic strip.
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